Aravind Eye Care System
Inspiration awakens us to new possibilities by allowing us to transcend our ordinary experiences and limitations. Aurokiya is a project Inspired by the Aravind Eye Care System and Dr. G. Venkatwamy's model of community-based eye care initiatives to eliminate needless blindness and visual impairment. We collaborate with them for clinical care for our patients.

The School for Perfect Eye Sight – Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry
Founded in 1968, The School for Perfect Eye Sight at Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry, offers a holistic approach to improving vision naturally. The school is a unique space for those seeking natural, non-invasive ways to restore and maintain clear vision. Auro Centre for Perfect vision is in collaboration to provide eye yoga sessions
Project Supported by

Aurokiya Eye Care is supported by Aravind Eye Care System, Aravind Pondicherry provides consultation and software support. Auroville International, USA (AVI USA) and Foundation for World Education(FWE) have supported the equipment and outreach activities.Aurokiya is also supported by Daniel Brewer Legacy Fund to provide eye care to the bioregion
Aurokiya is supported by Natural Eye Care and Dr. Marc Grossman is supporting Aurokiya to be an Integrative Holistic Eyecare Delivery Model